The FluoroCheck II is a benchtop and transportable unit for discrete sample measurements of ppm hydrocarbons in water. Direct water samples for screening or an EPA approved hexane oil extraction method may be used.
The FluoroCheck II provides benchtop and field monitoring of petroleum oils in:
The FluoroCheck II offers a fast and easy approach to the measurement of hydrocarbon oils in water. Filtered light energy targets the aromatic component of the water sample and measures the hydrocarbon fluorescence. Through an Arjay or site specific calibration, this aromatic tag is correlated to a total oil reading of your sample.
Arjay offers two test modes in one instrument, letting you determine the most suitable approach for your testing needs. You can choose from the factory preset calibrations for immediate on-site use or do your own calibration specific to your site. You can even run routine solvent-free tests and easily switch to a solvent extraction when a more selective test is warranted. All tests use disposable cuvets to eliminate cross-contamination and cleaning issues.
A water sample can be measured directly in the FluoroCheck II without solvents or sample preparation. This is ideal for general screening to identify the presence or absence of hydrocarbons in groundwater, wastewater, cooling water and oil/water separator effluents.
To optimize the accuracy of the readings or to correlate the FluoroCheck II to a specific analytical method, solvent extracted samples can be used. An extraction with hexane, pentane, or other extractive fluid will qualify samples using EPA 1664 Rev A and ISO-9377-2 extraction techniques. A calibration is entered using your local laboratory’s results and methodology.
Semrad Pty Ltd is a leading Australian distributor of level switches and level transmitters, designed specifically for harsh industrial applications, including caustic and chemical solutions.
Semrad is dedicated to providing customers with the most cost effective and technically advanced solutions for the measurement and control of liquid and bulksolids level.
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