The 24VDC DieselMate is a simple yet effective means of measuring diesel tank level and other fuel levels in all types of vessels. The plastic electronic enclosure encases a small air compressor purges air through a 6mm tubing inserted into the vessel. The pressure required to purge the air at the bottom of the tank indicates the level of fuel or diesel in the tank. This simple tank monitoring system measures the pressure using a highly accurate sensor, allowing the DieselMate to display the level in metres, volume in litres, ullage in litres and the %full to within ± 1% accuracy.
Two relay outputs may be programmed to set high and low-level alarms, giving protection against pump desiccation and overfill spills. In other Diesel Mate models, they can be installed at remote sites with no power, we can provide Solar Cells with battery back up that will provide power up to 7 days without sunlight. Diesel Mate can also be fitted with remote monitoring alarms by installing a GSM module with SMS features for transmitting low-level alarms. The diesel supply company can organise a more efficient diesel run with this information, it also helps prevent the operation from running out of fuel.
Applications; Diesel Mate is most suited to measuring the amount of diesel in your vessels and tanks. The vessel can be vertical/horizontal, rectangular or cubic (cylindrical vessels will require some additional software to ensure accuracy) and is selectable within the installation and setup process. The density of diesel will be automatically selected, however, if you have oils in your tank the density parameters can be altered in order to create an accurate level measurement.
Semrad Pty Ltd is a leading Australian distributor of level switches and level transmitters, designed specifically for harsh industrial applications, including caustic and chemical solutions.
Semrad is dedicated to providing customers with the most cost effective and technically advanced solutions for the measurement and control of liquid and bulksolids level.
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