What are SIL-Certified Products?
SIL stands for Safety Integrity Level, and it refers to a system introduced by the International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) to assist operators to quantify safety performance requirements for hazardous applications. To receive SIL approval on certain products, those products must be rigorously tested for reliable performance and certified as suitable for use to a certain SIL rating (SIL 1, SIL 2, SIL 3, SIL 4). The higher the associated risk from a unit failure or malfunction, the higher SIL rating required.
Why SIL Approved Products?
Industrial processes are becoming more complex as we move towards highly automated systems, minimising human input and increasing dependence on electronic components. Therefore, industrial companies are responsible for reducing safety risks associated with increasingly complicated systems. S.I.L certified products are specifically designed for safety critical applications where failed or malfunctioning equipment could pose a potential risk. Semrad supports and promotes a range of S.I.L approved products for the Australian market.
If you are interested in finding out more about Semrad’s range of SIL approved products, view our range below, or send us an email to discuss your application further.
Semrad Pty Ltd is a leading Australian distributor of level switches and level transmitters, designed specifically for harsh industrial applications, including caustic and chemical solutions.
Semrad is dedicated to providing customers with the most cost effective and technically advanced solutions for the measurement and control of liquid and bulksolids level.
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