Suitable for all water based foam applications
Proven technology
Efficient, microprocessor control
Unique IMA Sensing® technology ensures reliability
Cuts antifoam costs
Increases throughput by reducing downtime
Hygienic and steam-sterillisable sensors
Large range of fittings to suit all sizes and make of vessel
Range of enclosures; Wall, Rack, Benchtop.
Suitable for use in hazardous areas
Both Foam Control and Foam and Level Control Systems available
Foam generation can cause a variety of expensive and time consuming problems. Excess foam can severely limit throughput of product in a process, there can be high cost implications in clearing up and loss of production should foam overflow, and there is a possibility of pollution and damage to equipment if the situation were to become critical.
Our SureSense Sensors, when used with an appropriate Foam Controller, provide efficient and cost effective foam control over a wide range of water based process applications, including:
Semrad Pty Ltd is a leading Australian distributor of level switches and level transmitters, designed specifically for harsh industrial applications, including caustic and chemical solutions.
Semrad is dedicated to providing customers with the most cost effective and technically advanced solutions for the measurement and control of liquid and bulksolids level.
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