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UV 254 analyser CT200


Online COD / BOD / TOC Analyser

  • Definition of correlation curves for the measurement of COD, TOC and BOD on your application.
  • Quick results : SAC COD / BOD / TOC measurement in 20 seconds without reagent
  • Long-term reliability of the measurement
  • UV SAC254 measurement technology.
  • Automated cleaning system and zero adjustment.
  • Functional on dirty water
  • Large-section hoses limit the risk of clogging.
  • Optical turbidity compensation.


Measuring ranges:

  • 0-200 Abs / m (river, drinking water)
  • 0-1000 Abs / m (effluents, purification)

Product Enquiry Form (#1)

Product Description

Online UV 254 analyser based on UV absorbance measurement (SAC 254) to determine the concentration of dissolved organic matter (COD, TOC, etc.) in 20 seconds, with no reagent.

Stormwater and river monitoring

  • Alert stations
  • Organic pollution detection

Industry & Industrial effluent control

  • Monitoring and treatment automation : process control, outlet monitoring with bypass system in order to deflect the effluent from discharge in case of threshold overrun (to dilution or further treatment).
  • Control COD and organic load at the outlet of the plant before discharge in natural environment
  • Dairy industry : effluent monitoring to avoid loss of product before sending them to the treatment plant

Drinking water production

  •  Monitor the organic load in raw water to adjust production processes accordingly
  • Control and optimize coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation treatment
  • Ensure the effectiveness of activated carbon filters and UV disinfection systems through UV COD measurement

Treatment plants

  • Monitoring and treatment automation
  • Control before discharge


Very low operating cost and reduced need for maintenance

  • No reagent for the measurement.
  • No need for calibration solution.
  • Automated cleaning system and zero adjustment.
  • Simple correlation curve setup from samples.


Equip your facility for a long time with analysers built to last

In contrast with planned obsolescence, our devices are built to last, to be easily maintained and repaired when needed.
Make significant savings in money and time over the long term :

  • Product design and component sourcing driven by sustainability
  • Helpful and responsive support and maintenance service
  • 2 years manufacturer’s warranty